Hello? It’s me.

If you’re a blogger and you don’t post anything for a while, it becomes really intimidating to start up again. Especially if you quickly calculate that it has been nearly seven months since your last post. Self-Doubt creeps in–along with its BFF, Fear,–making your palms sweat and your stomach ache until you’re deemed inadequate.

What will people think? Will they even remember me? Do they really even care?

That’s how it goes, for me anyway.

Then comes the moment I realize people are way too distracted with their own lives to even be aware of or care about my lack of posting.

I get over myself, suck it up, and rejoin the blogosphere with one, quick motion. Just like ripping off a Band-Aid.

I make no excuse for my neglect, but I do apologize and hope you’ll forgive me. And if you don’t, I’m hoping you can be bribed with the chance to win an $80 PayPal cash card.

I’ve joined some other really talented bloggers to offer this fun giveaway, so if you’re looking for a new recipe or need a tutorial on the latest trendy craft, hit up their blogs directly, or check out their regular posts on My Cooking Spot and My Crafty Spot. Scroll down to find the Rafflecopter link to enter the drawing.

And I promise I’ll post again soon. We’re headed out for our first family camping trip tomorrow (and my first ever), which should provide some good writing material at my expense.

$80 PayPal Cash Giveaway!!! | My Crafty Spot

Let’s meet the contributors that are responsible for this exciting giveaway!

March Giveaway Contributors

Erin from My Cooking Spot & My Crafty Spot | Erin from The Blue Eyed Dove | Linda from 2 Cookin’ Mamas | Ali from Home Crafts by Ali | Jenna from A Savory Feast | Mary from Just Mom Matters | Sue from A Purdy Little House

Enter below! All entries will be verified so play fair. Giveaway ends at 11:59PM EST on 3/27.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck! ;)

